Striving Together for the Faith of the Gospel to Glorify the Lord Jesus Christ


Gethsemane Global Radio is a ministry of Gethsemane Baptist Church, Lexington South Carolina, USA. Our vision for the internet radio ministry is inspired as result of our Lord's command to preach the gospel to every creature; and, "striving together for the faith of the gospel" (Phil 1:27), that the world may know and understand the salvation that God has sent through his Son, The Lord Jesus Christ. The station is on the air to be a light to those in darkness and a "song in the night" for those who need a comforting word. This ministry is here for you…

Let us know if this station has been (and is) a blessing and help to you - go to our Contact Us page and send us a greeting, etc. Thanks for being a part of Gethsemane Global Radio, and remember to pray for us.



Day Time Program
Monday-Friday12 AMStories of Great Christians - Moody Bible Institute
Monday-Friday2 AMVoice of Gethsemane
Monday-Friday4 AMUnshackled
Monday-Friday4:30 AMThe Gospel Hour with Oliver Green
Monday-Friday5 AMLight For The Pathway - W. A. Thompson
Monday-Friday6 AMMorning Devotions
Monday-Friday6:05 AMPreaching of the Cross with James Knox
Monday-Friday7 AMDaily Bible Reading
Monday-Friday7:20 AMUnshackled Daily Devotion - Pacific Garden Mission
Monday-Friday7:40 AMLegal Alert - Christian Law Association
Monday-Friday8 AMThe Bible Believers Broadcast with Pastor Bevans Welder
Monday-Friday8:30 AMVoice of the Martyrs Spotlight
Wednesday9 AMWheat Among the Tares
Monday-Friday10 AMLooking Unto Jesus - Clarence Sexton
Monday-Friday11 AMThe Pastor's Pulpit
Monday-Friday12 PMThe Legal Alert
Monday-Friday12:02 PMStories of Great Christians
Monday-Friday1 PMAnswers in Genesis
Monday-Friday1:20 PMThe Legal Edge - Pacific Justice Institute
Monday-Friday2 PMThe Gospel Hour with Oliver Green
Monday-Friday3 PMFisherman's Look at the Book
Monday-Friday4 PMLooking Unto Jesus - Pastor Clarence Sexton
Monday-Friday5 PMVoice of the Martyrs Spotlight
Monday-Friday5:01 PMBible Believers Baptist Broadcast
Monday-Friday6 PMDaily Bible Reading
Monday-Friday7 PMGethsemane Baptist Church Live Broadcast (Wednesday Only)
Monday-Friday9 PMVoice Of Gethsemane (Greenville) - Pastor Ron Gatlin
Monday-Friday10 PMUnshackled
Monday-Friday11 PMLight For The Pathway - W.A. Thompson


Day Time Program
Saturday4 AM"Forgotten" with Ronnie Brown
Saturday7 AMDaily Bible Reading
Saturday8 AMUnshackled
Saturday8:30 AMProphecy Today
Saturday9 AMHymns For Life
Saturday10 AMLamplighter Theatre
Saturday12 PMWheat Among the Tares (Podcast of Wednesday Morning Live Program)
Saturday12:30 PMThe Storyteller
Saturday1:00 PMScience, Scripture & Salvation (Institute for Creation Research)
Saturday2 PMThe Gospel Hour
Saturday4 PM"Forgotten" with Ronnie Brown
Saturday5 PMUnshackled
Saturday6 PMDaily Bible Reading
Saturday7 PMHymns For Life
Saturday8 PMLamplighter Theatre
Saturday9 PMThe Hour Of Power


Day Time Program
Sunday7 AMDaily Bible Reading
Sunday8 AMThe Gospel Trumpet
Sunday9 AMThe Pastor's Pulpit
Sunday11 AMGethsemane Baptist Church Live Broadcast
Sunday4 PMHymns For Life
Sunday5 PMDaily Bible Reading
Sunday6 PMGethsemane Baptist Church Live Broadcast
Sunday9 PMEvening Reflections (Instrumental Hour)


Gethsemane Global Radio’s weekly podcast, Wheat Among the Tares, is heard every Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM Eastern Time. Join host Blake Lindsey along with co-host Pastor Stephen Williamson, as we interview missionaries, pastors and others involved with varied ministries from around the world. The purpose of the program is two-fold: to provide our listeners with details regarding these who are on the field of service and how best to pray for these ministries. As the apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:18, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints”. Join us for Wheat Among the Tares, Wednesday mornings at 9:00 AM Eastern Time, here on Gethsemane Global Radio…

Pastor Stephen Williamson
Blake Lindsey



(833) 577-1115

This station is a ministry of:

 Gethsemane Baptist Church


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